Brianna D'Aguanno quiz

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Brianna D'Aguanno is an amazing actor. This test is about Brianna. If you would like to rate my test please feel free to leave a comment. Anyone can do this test.

Are YOU a Brianna genius? Maybe you are a big fan of Brianna and know everything about her or maybe you don't even know who she is (anyway who doesn't) Take this test and you shall soon find out.

Created by: Turret
  1. When was Brianna born?
  2. In what show does Brianna play the cute little girl Lily in?
  3. Was Brianna born in Toronto?
  4. How old is Brianna?
  5. As well as voice acting, what else does Brianna do?
  6. who does Brianna play in mr.D?
  7. Who is Lily's brother?
  8. How many nominations does Brianna have?
  9. In what year did Brianna participate in the Toy mountain campaign?
  10. Who does Brianna play as in the movie Moon Point?

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