You know if you well or not, I hip you did and I don't want to bore you cause I have to write one hundered and fifty characters so yeah. And have fun with your Harry potterness!

You know if you well or not, I hip you did and I don't want to bore you cause I have to write one hundered and fifty characters so yeah. And have fun with your Harry potterness! And I hope you are an awesome fan!

Created by: Noelle
  1. What side is harry's scar on??
  2. What does dumbledore use to eliminate light?
  3. When Harry is in Tom riddels diary, and people carry a dead bodie away, who's bodie is it?
  4. Why was Harry punished and sent in the forbidden forest?
  5. Why where they going to hagreds?
  6. What was the third horcrux created?
  7. How is Dobby killed?
  8. Does Harry die?
  9. What is harries daughters First name?
  10. What are the words on the snitch
  11. What does the time turner say?

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