Belgariad Geography Exam

The Belgariad is a five-part novel by David Eddings. As a follow-up, he released the Mallorean, which saw the characters visit new lands (such as Mallorea)

Do you pride yourself on Belgariad knowledge? If so, this quiz will be easy. If not, perhaps not so. But no matter what your reputation is, anyone can be a champion. I have also added SECRET MARKS which are given for partially correct answers.

Created by: Little Cat Z
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who rules Mallorea (by end of Mallorean)?
  2. Which country does Maragor form part of?
  3. Who is NOT Belgarion's direct ancestor?
  4. Where was Belgarion born?
  5. UL is the God's Father. Which animal is he represented by?
  6. Why did Garion decide to kill Chamdar?
  7. Which area is encountered in heavy fog?
  8. Name Silk's merchant friend and business partner.
  9. Who lives on the Isle of the Winds?
  10. Finally, who do you think lived the longest?

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