If you are a SOCIAL person you will never do this quiz on a saturday night. Think about the bored you get alond at your house. This will help you to know how to change that.

Are YOU a SOCIAL PERSON? do you have the guts to talk to someone you just look on Facebook? You will find out with this amazing quiz and in just a few minutes you will knoe if you area social person!

Created by: Esther

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you are at the mall and you saw someone you know you will...
  2. If someone adds you on blackberry and say hi to you, you...
  3. In school a guy come and say that he wants to talk with u, you...
  4. On Blackberry Him: Hi how are u? You: Im good and you? Him: Yeah, fine.. You: ?
  5. In your school there is a girl you want to know you...
  6. What is the problem with this convertation? You: Hey, how r u? Her: Im good and you? You: Im fine... Her: So how was your vacation? You: fine...
  7. If a guy comes to you and ask for you bbpin and you give to him and he never add you you will ask his pin the next day?
  8. If your friend talk bad about you, and you find out, you will...
  9. If someone is in to you and you know but he is verry shy, you...

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