Behind The Mirror

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You come back from your vactaion to Disney World only to find out that a crawler had been living inside of your house the entire time! Talk about being Rude!

Created by: McDoodleFarting
  1. You walk in at your entirely redone bathroom, it looks as beautiful as ever! What do you imagine it looks like?
  2. You go to your bedroom, ready to have a goodnight's rest for your trip tomorrow morning. You are going to Disney world! When do you go to sleep?
  3. Aw man, looks like your trip is almost over already! Time to take home a souvenir! Which do you choose?
  4. You come home to see a giant mess! What happened?? There is no way someone got into the house, you have an alarm system. You check your security cameras and see no evidence of someone breaking in! What do you do now?
  5. You put your souvenir on the nightstand beside you, but when you wake you wake up the next morning, it's gone! You did hear something moving around your room the night before...
  6. Lets call the police... Oh, wait... Which number was it again?
  7. You head to the bathroom and notice the mirror is kinda crooked. You try to twist it the right way, but it pops off! It looks like there is a room behind the mirror! Do you go through?
  8. You see tons of food and snacks that could last for months! Along with missing sheets and a small couch pillow and other personal items that you've been missing for months!
  9. You try to flee the room when the lights go out. Someone sealed you in! You hold your breath in hopes he didn't see you.
  10. Favorite color?

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