Basic Intelligence Test 7

There are many smart people in the world, but few true geniuses. Can you be that someone who has a very smart IQ and can determine the answers to this Quiz

Are YOU a genius? Let's see if you have the smart's to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: rl1214
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Out of the following countries, what one do Dutch people come from?
  2. If I have 20 apples, and give my mom 8, and 2 to my Grandma, how many apples do I have left?
  3. What sport could you score a birdie on?
  4. In what country would you find the city of Beijing?
  5. How many seconds are in an hour?
  6. Out of these four states, which state is the farthest north?
  7. Which U.S. state is only one to have a capital with the letter X in its name?
  8. How many syllables are in the word Mississippi?
  9. Which one of these words is a verb?
  10. You and your brother are fighting over a cookie, and your Mom says you have to break it in two equal pieces and share it. What do you call those two equal pieces?
  11. What does this mean? "I'd give him the shirt off my back."
  12. What does this mean? "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps."
  13. What does this mean? "Keep your shirt on!"
  14. THEY is a(n) ____

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