Aubrey, Lily, or Fat Amy?

Hello! It Hermione again! I never seem to stop making quizzes do I? This one will help you determine if you're sassy Aubrey, quiet Lily, or "fat" Amy!

Please answer all this questions AS HONESTLY AS POSSIBLE, if you cannot answer these questions honestly I will have to kill... I mean... be mad at you. (I may be stalking you, lock your windows tonight...)

Created by: Hermione Granger
  1. Read the description, please!
  2. You are...
  3. Your hair is...
  4. Enough appearance questions, finish this sentence: When I'm nervous, I....
  5. My favorite Pitch Perfect quote is...
  6. The best thing I ever learned was...
  7. In your free time, you...
  8. Your favorite aca-quote is...
  9. You ... Singing on stage
  10. Bye!

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