Are You Wifey Material

Do you fall in the Wifey Category? Take the test and find out now. Your results will tell you what level of wifey material you are for your man.

Take the test to see if you are a good wifey or if you need a little help. Maybe you just need to give it up and go single. Just take the test.

Created by: Myiesha of big booty judy
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If your man starts to act funny with you around his boys, do you...
  2. Your man promises you he will call you at 8:00. Here it is 1:00 You decide to...
  3. You go to a party and see your man dancing on another girl you...
  4. Your best friends says she saw your guy on the new girl in town you...
  5. YOu want to go to dinner, but he wants to see the new movie that just came out. You...
  6. As your man pays for the ticket, the cutie with the voice of an angel steps to you and says "What's up?" you...
  7. You and your mother-in-law don't get along and the family cookout is in five minutes you...
  8. Your man forgot your anniversary you...
  9. You ask your man to go to the store for one ting he forgets and brings back a case of beer. You...
  10. Ya'll are lost again you...

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Quiz topic: Am I Wifey Material