Are you weirdz?

I was motivated by a smelly walrus named Harold. Actually I was motivated by how weird and stupid I am NOW GO ON THE QUIZ AND PROVE YOUR WEIRDER THEN BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD!

Are YOU Weirder then A Danish firefighter do YOU have what it takes 2 smell a chihuahua or are you a sock ALL THIS (not really) AND MORE IN THIS 12 QUESTIONED ACTION PACKED QUIZ! or is it 12 questions.

Created by: chris
  1. Do you eat chocolate when you cry
  2. What is 6x346
  3. Is your IQ under 6
  4. what is your nearest age?
  5. Do you try 2 gross out your friends?
  6. What is the capital of Canada?! (answer in form of a question)
  8. Are you Weirdz (All of them are worth diffrent points. Choose the one you think is worth the most)
  9. What does BonBon mean
  10. Last question or not

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Quiz topic: Am I weirdz?