Are you truly emo?

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Are you truly emo? Do you know what being emo entails? It isn't just wearing black or wearing excessive eyeliner. That's just a small part of emo fashion.

This quiz should be slightly more accurate than others but then maybe not, because i am literally just making this quiz so i can level up. Please remember to rate and comment to tell me how emo you are! lol!

  1. Do you wear black?
  2. Do you cut yourself?
  3. Do you wear embroidery?
  4. Do you wear lots of makeup?
  5. Silver or Gold?
  6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  7. Stripes or polka dots?
  8. Have you dyed your hair before? If yes, what color?
  9. Have you dyed your hair before? If yes, which color?
  10. Are you often depressed?
  11. Are you still in school?
  12. Leggings or fishnet stockings?
  13. Ripped jeans?
  14. Piercing’s in general?
  15. What's your favorite music genre?
  16. What is your favorite song out of these?
  17. Do you want to be emo?
  18. Are you any of these?
  19. Pick the most relatable aesthetic…
  20. How old are you?
  21. Did you know emo is short for emotional?

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Quiz topic: Am I truly emo?
