are you too thin?

This quiz is here to define weather your health is in danger or ever your life being under weight isnt a joke and people die daily from it even children so please be serious about this quiz and thanks for takink it...

I dont really now what to say but weight is just a piece of body image that we sometimes cant control and if you feel you cant control yours by yourself go see a doctor or talk to your parents...

Created by: judith
  1. when you lay on your back can you see your ribs?
  2. do you eat less then 3 meals a day?
  3. are you more then 5'2 and weigh less then 100 pounds?
  4. how much do you weigh and whats your heigth?
  5. Do you eat and throw up?
  6. Do you not eat for a few days every week?
  7. do you think your fat when your accually not?
  8. Do you take any kind of diet pills?
  9. do you have bonie legs?
  10. do you have less then a b cup?

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Quiz topic: Am I too thin?