are you the ultimate whovian?

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a whovian is some one who would do any thing to meet the doctor, they make references to the show all day long and they right fan fiction.but there is more to being a whovian than that.

are you a whovian? do you have what it takes to be the ultimate whovian?(this quiz only applies to the rebooted version of doctor who). just answer these ten questions to find out!

Created by: alyssa
  1. who is the doctor?
  2. which actors play doctor who in order?(this test is only for the rebooted series)
  3. when is Christopher Eccleston's birthday?
  4. what color are David tenant's eyes?
  5. what was Matt's doctors costume?
  6. what did the poem say in the time of the doctor?
  7. what is your favorite color?
  8. on a scale from one to six,one being you know it exists, six being you met the doctor, how do you rate your self as a whovian?
  9. what is the name of the new actor to play the doctor?
  10. final question.what was the saddest episode/the happiest episode at the same time of the ones listed below?

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Quiz topic: Am I the ultimate whovian?