Are you smarter than me? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you smarter than me?

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  • You must be the dumbest 11 year old
    First of all 5.48 rounds to 5

    Second of all 173x345=59585 but it wasn't a choice

    Third of all how would I know wouldn't be a relevant answer choice what if they thought something else I knew what it was because he rode on Friday you're such a dumb f---

    Bonnie Fan
  • You must be the dumbest 11 year old
    First of all 5.48 rounds to 5

    Second of all 173345=59585 but it wasn't a choice

    Third of all how would I know wouldn't be a relevant answer choice what if they thought something else I knew what it was because he rode on Friday you're such a dumb f---

    Bonnie Fan
  • Oh, and the .48 in 5.48 is not .50, so it would still round down.

  • 5.48 is NOT rounded to 6, but rounded down to 5. It is spelled field, not feild. The title of this quiz should be "Are you smarter than I am?", unless you have a friend named Me who doesn't capitalize the first letter of her name. Oh, and 173x345 is 58685, not 58985. By the way, I'm eleven years old, too (in sixth grade).

  • luckyfirefly is right none of the answers to the first question are right

  • I just want to point out that none of the answers to the first question are correct.

  • i see it is called Australia now, but it used to be called Australasia

  • No Australasia is the continent! Thats how you spell it, I'm not talking about Australia (the country). You are NOT smarter than me, you do realise you are talking to someone about a decade older than you.

  • chocolatefrog: Okay, so you suck at math. In 5.48, the 48 would round to 50 because of the 8. Then, the 50 can be turned into 5. The number is now 5.5, okay? Remember, five or more goes up. So, the 5 would go up one number to 6. Do you get it now? Oh, and Australia is a continent. And you spelled it wrong. So, apparently, I am smarter than you. HA.

  • I got 50%, that doesn't mean you're smarter than me. 5.48 is rounded to 5 not 6.

    And australia is not a continent, it's called Australasia cuz it includes New Zealand as well


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