Are you smarter than Britney spears

there are many people out there that are smarter than Britney Spears But are you one of them take this quiz to find out this quiz is totally awesome and you should definetly try it

this quiz is awesome and if you like as much as I do tell everyone about and have a great time and fi you pass this test you can tell everyone you are smarter than britney

Created by: evenentsten
  1. when you get dressed what is the first thing you put on?
  2. what is a better song?
  3. what age does a normal woman get pregnant?
  4. what is one plus two?
  5. which of these is an animal?
  6. finish this analogy yankees are to redsox as sun is to ...
  7. which of these is not a color?
  8. an apple is a brand of computer and a...
  9. which is the most fun?
  10. Pick the famous author?

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Quiz topic: Am I smarter than Britney spears