are you smarter than a fifth grader? | Comments

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  • that was the easyest test i'v ever taken and only in kindergarden.

  • I just wanted to let everyone here know why this was a quiz with an American bias. It's not because we are self centered or hate the world. It's because of our course of study. Students in the US learn about local geography and American history in the early grades. Starting in 6th grade they learn about ancient civilizations, 7th grade is based on world geography and 8th grade you begin to learn about American government. If any of you were in education (i.e. learning to be a teacher) you would understand a term called schema. In order to learn things more proficiently, you have to be able to connect what you are learning to something you already know. Therefore, students learn about AMERICAN things in the early grades and then expand as they go up. In 9th and 10th grade students get a huge dose of world history. So basically what I'm saying is that you have to understand that a 10 year old is not ready to learn about WORLD history or geography. If this quiz was based in Australia or England, I'm sure there would be information that an American middle schooler would not understand or know.

    P.S. If you think Americans are ego ego centric, then please review some of your previous comments about how you don't need to know American geography.

    • Then it must be different in different school districts because mine is NOTHING LIKE THAT

  • I'm an ol' fart (45) and I got 100%.

    See? We had to actually LEARN something back in MY day, whipper-snappers!

    That's the way it was and we LIKED IT!
    You never heard US complain!

  • i'm 15 and from sweden and i got 70%

  • i'm from australia! not america! i dont know anything about american history...

  • Whoever wrote the "results" section is not too smart. My results first said "You are 70% Smarter than a fifth grader." That would mean my score exceeded a fifth grader's by 70%.

    But then immediately after that, it says "You are almost smarter than a fifth grader. If you just got a bit more right. Then, you would be considered smarter. Nice try. Try again." That statement would suggest that my result meant that I am only 70% as smart as a fifth grader (30% less smart).

    Net result: I'm not sure whether I'm smarter than a fifth grader, but at least I'm smarter than whoever wrote the result page!!

  • 60% right and im in the beginning/middle of 5th grade. We didn't learn like half the stuff. lolz xD

  • I got 100% I smart

  • yay, 100% and I'm British I've never even been to America, we didn't really learn any of that in year...6 (?)

  • yay! i did it again and got 100%!!!!!

  • yay! im 90% smarter than a sixth grader! thats good right?

  • this quiz should ve been named as>> are you smarter than an American 5th grader! cos its all about the US and i dont even live in europe. im from a third world country (from ur point of view)

  • Thanks For Visiting!

    thanks for seeing if your (you're) smarter than a ten year old (ten-year old). If you failed, look how dumb you should feel. if you passed, don't be too happy. It's only a ten year old (ten-year old) your (you're) smarter than. Not a 12 year old (12-year old).

    "are you smarter than a fifth grader?" was created by John

  • LOL
    the brittish chuncker cant spell words 90%

  • Amerocan? I can spell honestly I can! AmerIcan

  • Most of the questions seem to be geared to an Amerocan market. I was born, brought up and have lived all my life in the UK so I think I did pretty well.

  • Ok, I sort of messed that up, for the parts of it where it doesn't look like I was saying anything correctly, it's because I am EXTREMELY TIRED. And the thing in parenthesis about how I don't think this quiz was fair for people of other countries I meant to say BEFORE I SAID "for the American's" is "that was", when I said "BY INVITATION TO" I meant BY "INVITATION TOO", and when I said "then America's image will get a slightly better reputation" I meant to say "then America's image will slightly improve". Sorry about forgetting to proofread. Try to forgive me. I am VERY TIRED. Anyway, as a last piece, this was a test with information you never will need to know. Peace out! (really!)

  • I got it all right. It wasn't hard. I am an American 7th grader, so that SHOULD explain something. Anyway, I guess the fact that I am going to take the SAT's in 23 days BY INVITATION TO(yes, you just read that I am 13 and already taking the SAT's) could signal that I am smarter than the average 5th grader. I don't even watch the show, so that should even tell you MORE because I haven't heard some of these questions before (obviously SOME have come up in my life, but not a lot). I do agree with some people who also commented, those of you who write in "chat speak" are the ones who give countries other than America the idea that we are all fat people who couldn't multiply our way out of a paper bag. All in all, I don't know why you all got non-passing scores on this test - please go back to school and PAY ATTENTION! Thanks, maybe then America's image will get a slightly better reputation (for the Americans - for those of you from other countries I do see why you wouldn't get good scores because it IS TRUE that this test was totally about American history which I don't see anyone else but Americans needing to know). Peace!

  • Darn i got a 60% and im in 5th but its better that 10% a baby would get that!!lmao...i luv these quizes.

  • Wheww!!! 90%

  • whee!i luv roller coasters!i got 100 percent!this was a good quiz. now wheres my teddy bear?

  • I got a 61% and I really don't care, it's not important information anyways. I'd rather focus on life lessons rather than the lessons of a fifth grader. And Ezekiel Shut The F*** Up. Atleast most of us can spell retarded correctly. And Most of us know how to use proper grammar.

  • Can't you people ever stop with"Stupid American" comments. You don't have to be American to get the answers correct. In fact you don't need to be from somewhere to know all about it. For those of you out there who blame your educators for your poor knowledge, take into mind that if you wanted to learn American geography, you would have done so. Blame yourselves for your ignorance and do some research. Learning happens on your own. Besides, everyone is smart in their own way, be smart now by studying rather than dissing other people.

  • i got 100% and i am not american i am in grade six and i am in year 11 standards that was way to easy

  • Guys, seriously, the quiz is based off of America because, obviously it is based off of the show, which is based out of America. It's also just a quiz you don't have to take it. It is not like it is for a grade, also technically to become an knowledgable adult you should at least know some basic information about all the major countries in the world, not just your own. I liked the quiz it was fun.


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