are you smart or not?

This quiz is made to determine who is smart and who is not it has some tricky questions and some EASY questions just be prepared for them.These can help you study at home.

i hope you are smart and get a good grade in this if you don't i think your teacher will be both disappointed and embarrassed.:) :) :) :) I hope you do well.

Created by: leena2009
  1. what year was malcolm x born
  2. what year did malcolm x die
  3. what change did Frederick Douglass make to the u.s.
  4. was albert einstein known for being funny too
  5. is albert einstein smart
  6. where was malcolm x born
  7. what is the formula for finding volume
  8. what is the formula for finding area
  9. what is the formula for finding perimeter
  10. what is 2-4

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Quiz topic: Am I smart or not?