Are you smart enough?

this quiz is a range of different questions which will show of your knowledge. do you have what it takes to enter? sure you do. why not have a go then.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? well thanks to this quiz you are sure to find out. why not have a go !

Created by: lauren of bingo
(your link here more info)
  1. who won britains got talent 2012?
  2. who won x-factor 2010?
  3. what does bodmas stand for?
  4. What is the capital city of Australia?
  5. How high is a basketball hoop?
  6. True or False The Peanut is a type of nut?
  7. The Patella is commonly known as what?
  8. Which is the largest species of Tiger?
  9. Which planet is nearest the sun?
  10. Which planet is nearest the sun out of these?

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Quiz topic: Am I smart enough?