Are you Selena Gomez's #1 Fan?

go selena..................................................................................................... take this quiz.....................................

.....who says..........................................................hit the lightxs................................................................

Created by: luver6

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok. Let's start from the beggining. Where was Selena Gomez born??
  2. When was Selena Gomez born?
  3. How did Selena meet Demi Lavato??? (idk how to spell it)
  4. What was the first WOWP episode called??
  5. What was Selena's first original song??
  6. How many episodes of WOWP are there in all??
  7. What was the second to last episode called??
  8. What did Selena do with Justin on July 1st, 2012?
  9. Finish the song.. Turn my back to the door...
  10. Did you find the answers on google??

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Quiz topic: Am I Selena Gomez's #1 Fan?