Are You Seen As Fat?

Obesity is sweeping America. Everyone is wondering: "Am I fat?" or "Do people think I'm fat?" Well, now it is time for YOU to take my mostly reliable quiz on if people think you are fat or not!

Now is the time for you to realize if you are viewed as fat or not! This quiz is reliable (for the most part) and I hope you enjoy it! (Did I mention obesity is sweeping American people?)Over 1/3 of the adults and 1/5 of the children in the YOU. S. Are obese.

Created by: Alexis Rose
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Can you see your toes?
  2. How fast can you run up a flight of 13 stairs?
  3. You're at a restaurant(on your b-day) and the waitress gives you a free double cheeseburger, t-bone steak, 3 slices of cheesecake, and a jumbo basket of onion rings and chicken fingers as your B-day special. What do you do?
  4. What does your doc say about your weight at your annual physical?
  5. What kind of swimsuit do you wear?
  6. How often do you excercise?
  7. What are your problem areas?
  8. How many rolls do you have when you are standing?
  9. Can you see/feel your ribcage?
  10. How much weight would you lose/gain to be happy?
  11. Do you think you are fat?
  12. Do you get weird looks in public?
  13. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Seen As Fat?