Are you ready for this Minecraft Server?

There are great Places in Minecraft to go. Lets see. If you are able to get to this place. If you are then yay for you. If you already have it then you suck.

Well thanks for clicking on my test. Hope you like it. Anybody can do this but doesn't always do this right. And that sucks for them. I am not allowed to put gibberish.

Created by: Thundergirly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How which is not on Minecraft?
  2. Which do you like best?
  3. Which do you like best?
  4. Do you know who Stampylongnose or head is?
  5. How do you make a fence?
  6. Do you like cheese?
  7. Meh I dont like quizes. How about you?
  8. How many pets will you have?
  9. If you were playing Fnaf. Would you die?
  10. Is I true that Mitch is Bajan?
  11. Is it true that Stampy is AWESOM!

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for this Minecraft Server?