Are You Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?

You may think you are ready for the zombie apocalypse. But are you REALLY ready? DO you have the knowledge and skills to survive the Zombie onslaught? Find out now!

Get ready for the zombie apocalypse!Find out if you have sufficient knowledge, skills,and preparation! You will know your skills and lack thereof when you take this quiz!

Created by: Stephen Mansell

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You hear a zombie warning on the radio while on the road with some friends-what do you do?
  2. You get home and begin to look into this warning-then you hear moans outside! Upon looking out the window, you see several zombies in your yard! what do you do?
  3. Some other friends, who live 10 miles away call for help on the phone-they want you to pick them up. They say they have supplies and food
  4. The zombies invade your house-what do you do?
  5. You escape! you come to a car dealer-what car do you choose?
  6. After you get your car, where do you go? Do you have a cache somewhere? An abandoned building perhaps?
  7. You come across a large horde of zombies. How do you deal with them?
  8. If you chose a Prius, buick, or the chevy earlier and you drove through the zombies, you got bitten and joined the horde as a living corpse! If you chose the ford, then you smash through them and live another day. What next? you are lost, and you can hear zombies far away...
  9. You see something moving on the side of the road, what do you do?
  10. If you shot or ran over the thing, you are lost until you die! if you ran to it, you got lucky. It could have been a zombie. Congrats if you inspected it. It is a man trying to hide, and he tells you about a band of survivors in the mountains.
  11. You find the survivors-now you all are just waiting it out. DO you ration the food or guzzle it all down? Do you make noise?

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Quiz topic: Am I Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?