Are you random?

They are some very random people in this world that are very weird and do some weird stuff.a random person is nice and funny to be around but quite annoying.

Are you random?or are you a mature posh person? These random questions are sure to figure out if you are random!do you have the weird brain that under takes poshies? Read and answer to find out!

Created by: Lior hopwood
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like cheese .????
  2. Soggy bread,milk,belly button juice
  3. Imagine a pig.what colour is it?
  4. Imagine a pig.what colour is it?
  5. Sandwiches
  6. Who would you rather kill
  7. Clash of clans!
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Have you ever said a yo mamma insult?
  10. Bananas

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Quiz topic: Am I random?