are you poular?

There are very few popular people now a days. So I decided to take a quiz. Are u popular or a complete nerd alert. Test right her to get the real answers.

Are u sure u are popular? Are u positive ur a geek. Hmmmmmmmm... I wonder if ur both? Maybe ........ Ur none. Maybe u broke the scale!!!!! Maybe ur not even in the ballpark. To know try this quiz to get the answer!

Created by: Ava Juliana
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is ur eye color?
  2. Hair color?
  3. How tall are u?
  4. What would u describe ur personality as?
  5. Do u think ur popular?
  6. Would u be considered as a good friend?
  7. What do u do for fun?
  8. Favorite color?
  9. Where do u go to shop for clothes?
  10. Last question pick an answer don't be a suck up

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Quiz topic: Am I poular?