Are you popular,nerd normal?

This quiz is really so here u can express the real u and don't lie like in real life. Please in this quiz JUST BE YOURSELF because if u act out to just be cool u really don't have personality and u suckle

are popular,nerd or normal???? TIME TO FIND OUTT. Take this quiz and find the inner uuuu. Don't lie about this. Just beu and uuuuuuu. U being u rods more tan acting

Created by: Gabz and Ale
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much friends do u have?
  2. How people describe u ?
  3. How many guys/girls are/have been for you?
  4. Are you smart?
  5. Are u invited to all parties?
  6. Are people jealous of u?
  7. Describe your popularity from 1-10
  8. Do u have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  9. Pick your catch phrase
  10. Are u popular,nerd or normal?

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Quiz topic: Am I popular,nerd normal?