are you my exact

I was bored so decided to make this quiz to see how many people are like me if you get 100 percent the that's scarry hope you enjoy and tell people about this

have you ever wondered if you have a exact somewere in the world. well I was wondering that to. so I created this quiz to see. if there was any one exadctly like me. when your done please comment share and rate thanks for your time and enjoy

Created by: gleeknmusic
  1. how old are you really
  2. are you a girl or boy
  3. what color hair do you have
  4. not trying to be racest cause we're all the same just different colors, but what is your skin color
  5. were are you from?
  6. when is your birthday?
  7. what is your eye color
  8. what is your favorite color
  9. do you have any siblings
  10. do you like animals
  11. thoughts on music
  12. how good is your eye sight
  13. singing
  14. religion and thoughts on out doors
  15. what is your personality
  16. what do you look for in guys
  17. favorite food

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Quiz topic: Am I my exact