Are you more like my friend?

Heyy! wanna know what my quiz is about? it is a quiz to see how much you have in common with me. do you like cheerleading? basketball? colors? school? sports? computers? then i think you have a lot in common with me! do you have a lot in common with me? not trying to be a speech writer if that is what this paragraph sounds like. just tryin to type a stupid paragraph!

do you have ANYTHING in common with me? do YOU have what it takes to know if you are like me or not?! thanks to my typing, my brain power, and my typing, then you, YES YOU!!!,,, will know, in just a few moments if you have ANYTHING in common with me! again, not trying to type a speech if that's what it sounds like. just trying to make up of something off the top of my head!

Created by: lexi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Wat is ur fav sport?
  2. Wat is ur fav color?
  3. Wat is ur fav subject? (NOT LUNCH OR RECESS!!!!!!!!!)
  4. Wat is ur fav animal?
  5. Wat is ur fav thing to carry?
  6. Wat is ur fav season?
  7. Wat is ur fav thing to drink?
  8. Wat is ur fav board game?
  9. Wat is ur fav food?
  10. Wat is ur fav thing to do on ur free time?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like my friend?