Are you more like a Cat or a Dog? (Not 100% accurate)

A Quiz to See whether you are more like a cat or a Dog! Are you lazy like a cat? Or Energetic like a dog? More active at Night or day? You or others first? Etc. Keep in mind this is not 100% Accurate

Also Your Result Doesn't have to exactly Describe you, Like you might get the cat result but are not lazy, also sorry if this Quiz is bad it is my first Quiz.

Created by: Random person
  1. Are you Social?
  2. Indoors or Outdoors?
  3. Are You More active at Night or the Day?
  4. Are you more Obedient or Disobedient?
  5. Let's Pretend you are an Animal, and You see a threat to you! What do you use for defense out of these?
  6. Let's again Pretend you are an animal, You again see a threat, but this time you just need to give a warning, what do you do?
  7. Would you rather Protect Yourself? Or Others?
  8. Are You Lazy?
  9. I am Running out of ideas, so here's a Question that won't Affect your Result :Your Favourite Colour?
  10. How did you like this Quiz? Won't Affect Results

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Quiz topic: Am I more like a Cat or a Dog? (Not 100% accurate)
