Are you Mal or Uma?

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Sorry if I ask you a question that you do not want to answer. Follow me and friend me, I will only accept if you are nice so I hope you got who you wanted. I love you.

Sorry but I have lots of spelling mistakes xXx. So if you ever want to text me you can follow me ant friend me. I will only friend you if you like this so like it.

Created by: cara bell
  1. What is your favorite colour?
  2. What would your favorite place on set?
  3. Who is your favorite?
  4. What is your favorite movie now and then?
  5. Your fav hairstyle?
  6. Are your eyes...
  7. Are you good at drawing?
  8. What are you doing this quiz on?
  9. Can you think of a quiz idea?
  10. Ok last question Mal or Uma?

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Quiz topic: Am I Mal or Uma? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Sci-Fi and Fantasy Quiz category.
