Are you Boy or Girl or mabye even different?

There are many different ansers so you did a great job of getting the anser you did get. Then again thanks for taking the quiz. So the point im trying to get to you is that you are perfectly fine the way you are don't try to change that.

Nice did you get boy, girl or different you can comment in the side bar down there if you want to say to the world your anser but then again you don't have to.So the point im trying to get to you is that you are perfectly fine the way you are don't try to change that.

Created by: oochipz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who do you dream about?
  2. Do you like short or tall people?
  3. What music do you prefer?
  4. Blonde, Brunette or Black?
  5. Chocolate, Lollies, Ice-cream?
  6. Another gender test
  7. How old Do you prefer them?
  8. Guys or Girls?
  9. Sweet or Sour?
  10. Nerd Or Model

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Quiz topic: Am I Boy or Girl or mabye even different?