are you magic or will spells work for you

here is a internet based quiz and this one will say if your magic you you have a special energy coursing through you goooooooooood bye i have nothing else to say exept ... your welcome JK but good byuy

what did you get exited well i am see if you kill everyone in a pit of fire with your new power ,cry your self to sleep every night because you have no energy or be confused on what you are in life

Created by: Paigethemermaidfairy
  1. what do you like
  2. why do you want to know?
  3. you like someone with magic what do you do
  4. what spells will you do
  5. favorite colour
  6. .
  7. I LIKE MAGIC but what kind
  8. i care about
  9. what do you know about magic
  10. last one what do you want to be
  11. JK one more when you close your eyes what do you see

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Quiz topic: Am I magic or will spells work for you
