Are You Like Me? At All?

are u like me? idk. maybe youre thinking "creep, Were not the same.Were not the same.Were not the same.Were not the same.Were not the same." idk y u would be, but maybe.

Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same? Are we the same?

Created by: stella of this site
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of music do you listen to?
  2. What type of books do you read?
  3. What type of movies do you watch?
  4. Out of these, what is your favorite band?
  5. out of these, which song would you rather listen to?
  6. out of these, which book would you read?
  7. Your putting on a movie. It is:
  8. Do you want to be in the arts one day?
  9. What show are you watching right now? (or at least want to)
  10. Is rawr your favorite word?
  11. Do you like animals?
  12. Are you gay?
  13. Do you like fashion?
  14. True or False: you're a virgin.
  15. What faction in Divergent do you belong in?

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Quiz topic: Am I Like Me? At All?