Are you like me?

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Welcome, to me. This quiz will find out if you are somewhat like me, awesome, the best in the world. Unstoppable, a machine, Ice cold. That is why my friends call me the Reaper.

So of course, are you like me? Are you awesome, the best in the world. Unstoppable, a machine, Ice cold. If you happen to be like me... that is really scary...

Created by: Grim Reaper

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off... Easy question: My gender
  2. I am a pilot... My prefrence?
  3. Im also, something of a special operator, my weapon prefrence?
  4. Covert or Assault?
  5. Now, what do you do before the infil?
  6. Moving away from my military life... Dream car?
  7. How many books have I written?
  8. And how many book ideas do I have?
  9. And what type of books do I write?
  10. And the last question, my favorite movie?

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Quiz topic: Am I like me?