Are You In The Closet

There are many people who are gay and cannot yet announce it to their friends and family. This quiz will help you figure out where you are at with this quandry and what you should do, either wait it out or go for it.

Are you sure you are gay? If you are not and only have thoughts of being agy, but, never really have any intentions of having a gay reklationshipp, then, this test will help answer that for you.

Created by: Francean
  1. Do you dream in color?
  2. Are you hairy?
  3. Can you sing a high C
  4. Your favorite color
  5. Do you love the smell of ocean
  6. do you love pastel sweet smelling flowers
  7. Your favorite food
  8. You love fast cars
  9. Are women attracted to you
  10. Are men attracted to you

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Quiz topic: Am I In The Closet