are you hot or not

There are so many different peiople out there your just hot and thats all you need to no people are vjealous and envy u have fun with this but be truithfull

off sourse im not a geniuse im just board no one can beet enyone wrwe all different and beautisul i n our own way thats one of the things we must all remember

Created by: Charlie1665
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what colour hair do you have
  2. what colour hair do you have
  3. Do you have clear skin
  4. have you got a partner
  5. What style are you
  6. what colour eyes do you have
  7. how many friends do you have
  8. Do guys/girls look at you
  9. are you over wight
  10. r u popular

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Quiz topic: Am I hot or not