Are you HOT or COOL?

R u HOT or COOL?Take this quiz to easily know if u are hot or cool?Come on u have to know wht u really r cuz u cant be both......Trust ME!!!!!Ok,idk wht to fingers hurt!

Your Hot then your Cold,Your Yes then your No,Your In then your Out,Your Up then your Down...Your Wrong when its Right....Its Black and its White.....But U r not both!So,come on and find out!

Created by: BadGirl_Goes_69
  1. Hi!!!BadGirl here!!!*smiles*
  2. Whats your fave colour?(Me:ikr..lame question!)
  3. What is your fave band?
  4. Describe Yourself in 1 Word!
  5. Fave song?
  6. What do u do in free times?
  7. I CAN SEE U!(hahaha)
  8. What r u wearing?
  9. Fave YouTuber?
  10. What r gonna do after u leave the internet?
  11. I know this was a stupid quiz!But pls comment!

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Quiz topic: Am I HOT or COOL?