Are you HOT? (girls only)

Smart people fill our world. to be smart it doesn't mean you have to be good at everything, you could be multiple things or just one. But in order to be a true genius you must be able to solve problems and see the world though a different view.

Are you Hot? By taking this quiz you can find out in just a few minutes. Do you have the power to be looked at and seen as beautifullness. Find out now!

Created by: anais

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you find yourself trying to make yourself appear better?
  2. Do you find yourself trying to make yourself appear better?
  3. Have you ever being complimented for being pretty/hot etc.?
  4. Do you wear glasses?
  5. Is your body well presented?
  6. Have you ever had a girl/boyfriend?
  7. Do people stare at you when you enter a room?
  8. Are you popular?
  9. Do you think you're popular? (No affect)
  10. Do you have lots of friends?

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Quiz topic: Am I HOT? (girls only)