Are you goth, emo, or scene?

This quiz is to help show you what subculture you are and what personality you truly have. This quiz is to help show you what subculture you are and what personality you truly have.

Remember, have fun and don't be a poser! Remember, have fun and don't be a poser! Understand quiz takers, you better subculture ain't nothing to mess with! You know if I'm talking to you!

Created by: Zephyr The Pink Fox
  1. What is your favorite season?
  2. Your friend is having a sleepover and you're invited. What pajamas do you wear and what is one thing you must bring?
  3. You're favorite base color for an outfit?
  4. Do you cut? (If you do get some friggin' help!)
  5. Do you have a crush?
  6. Which is your favorite?
  7. What r u wearing right now?
  8. What do you think you will get?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Am I goth, emo, or scene?
