Are You Good or Bad Tempered?

How to take this quiz - This quiz is about whether your temper is good or bad. The choice answers are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Most of the questions ask how angry you get - 1 being not at all, 5 being very.

Everybody has to get angry. But have you ever thought whether you were good tempered or bad tempered??? Take this quiz to find out! XDDD

Created by: apples_and_peaches
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have just told friend a secret. Within the next few minutes, they have told almost everyone your secret. How angry do you get?
  2. Your brought in your most valuable object to somewhere such as school, work, etc. You left it on a table and told asked your friend to mind it for you while you've gone to buy something. When you came back, it was gone. How angry do you get?
  3. Someone posted on Facebook: "*yourname* sleeps with an underwear on their head." How angry do you get?
  4. Someone took your pencil and used it without asking you for permission. How angry do you get?
  5. (Continuing from Question 6) When they returned the pencil, it was blunt. How angry do you get?
  6. When a close friend makes you angry, how angry do you get?
  7. When a normal friend makes you angry, how angry do you get?
  8. When a person your not very friendly with makes you angry, how angry do you get?
  9. When your worst enemy makes you angry, how angry do you get?
  10. How angry do you get when a huge bloke knocks your tiny friend over?

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Quiz topic: Am I Good or Bad Tempered?