Are you good at math (difficult)

this is a somewhat difficult math test, hopefully very difficult if you're not into the subject and hopefully a due challenge if you are. Are you man/woman enough to take this test?

Are you a bad enough to take this math test? yeah I didn't think so, pansy. you'll probably be crying by the end of this. this test came to kick ass and chew gum and its alll out of gum!!!

Created by: gwtkof
  1. d/dx(e^(sinx))=?
  2. what is the next largest infinity after the cardinality of the natural numbers?
  3. which of these is not a group axiom?
  4. in topology, the Michael Line is:
  5. in the real numbers, 1-.999...=?
  6. Which of these illustrates a problem with naive set theory?
  7. suppose G is a group with 99991 elements, how many nontrivial subgroups does G have
  8. In graph theory, a simple graph has:
  9. which of these graphs can not be drawn on a torus?
  10. which of these is equivalent to the axiom of choice?

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Quiz topic: Am I good at math (difficult)