Are You Genderfluid (will make bigger soon)

This will tell if you are genderfluid, straight, or nonbinary.(not verified answers may be wrong) Note this quiz will not predect your gender the desicion is still up to you

some notes about me:i am genderfluid, i am also demisexual and demiromantic. please tell me what quizes i should make next either by like tagging me on one of your quizes or any other way.

Created by: Bracey Johnson
  1. Why are you taking this quiz
  2. What is you current gender identity (How you see yourself)
  3. what gender were you born
  4. What is your gender (How you present)
  5. how old are you (i wont get answers)
  6. How long have you been questioning
  7. Do you know any one else LGBTQIA+
  8. How long have you known about LGBTQIA+
  9. Where did you find out about LGBTQIA+
  10. Do you want to be LGBTQIA+

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Quiz topic: Am I Genderfluid (will make bigger soon)
