are you dumb or dumber?

this quiz is based on events that happened in the movie Dumb and Dumber. if you get Dumb, then you are more like harry than llyod. but if you get Dumber, you are more like lloyd than harry.

wanna find out if you're dumb or dumber? take this quiz to find out which one you are. this quiz rox!! tell eveyone about it! i gurantee if you've ever seen Dumb and Dumber you'll love this quiz!!

Created by: carly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you every put instant relief in someones tea if they made you mad?
  2. would you ever sell a blind boy a parrokeet with no head?
  3. would you ever wear an orange or blue suit to an ellagent party?
  4. would you ever poop in your dates house if you drank instant relief?
  5. would you ever eat a burger with hot tamales on it?
  6. would you ever stick your tongue to a pole when you're on a ski lift?
  7. would you ever put a llighter next to your butt and fart to make fire?
  8. would you ever travel 2,000 miles to give someone you dont know their briefcase?
  9. would you keep a worm farm?
  10. would you ever poison someone with rat poison by accident?

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Quiz topic: Am I dumb or dumber?