Are you demented?

Are you demented? Do you think you are demented? Take this quiz to see if you are really that retarded. If you are bored, and need something to do, do this and you will also see if you are mentally retarded or not.

This quiz isn't that long, and it's not that hard, unless you are demented, then you wouldn't get it. And if you still watch the TV guide channel, for the commercials, and gossip, then don't even take this quiz, because you are demented.

Created by: kate

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite animal? [this is really important]
  2. Can you cross your eyes?
  3. How many teeth appliances have you had?
  4. Do you choose to wear deodorant?
  5. Do you like tomatoes?
  6. Are you emo?
  7. Do you like Harry Potter?
  8. Unibrow?
  9. Do you like to smell flowers?
  10. Can you smell rain?

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Quiz topic: Am I demented?