are you cool or not

the topic of this quiz is to no are you cool or are you neardy or are you awsome or are you a geek or are you a jock these are the things you might be

thanks for taking my are you cool or not quiz if your a geek or neardy or a jock im sorry but you are these may not be true but thi quiz is super cool

Created by: mysteryman
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is yoour age?
  2. what do you do on your spare time?
  3. whats your name in alfabedect form
  4. what quizes do you like?
  5. what quizes do you like?
  6. do you like this quiz
  7. be onest are you strait or g
  8. are you a super hero
  9. are you a boy or girl
  10. are you bad or good
  11. do you like comedy or horror

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Quiz topic: Am I cool or not