are you cool? (and do you want to be?) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz are you cool? (and do you want to be?).

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  • are you cool? (and do you want to be?)
    Your Result: pretty cool

    nice! you are pretty cool (obviously). this is generally good, because it means you can fit in, but don't always. it means you ARE actually alive!! YAY!!! if you want advice, my advice is, being cool generally means being like everyone else. figure out that one yourself.

    u spelt kewl wrong!!!! if u spell it cool, that is just an insult. I HATE THIS QUIZ!!!! it told me im cool, i'm not cool, i'm KEWL, duh

    x aka mrlq x
  • Your Result: not cool

    unfortunately, you are not cool at all. instead, you have your own style, you are independent, and are creative and have great ideas. this is generally good, but if you still wanna be cool, don't worry, there is still hope for you.

    nice quizz!


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