are you bisexual, gay or striate?

ok, so dont be upset with your answer.i dont determine them, the conputer does. now random: asdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiop[]\'/.,zmxw`1234567890--=-cm!

hi.zxcvbnm,./asdfghjkl;'qwertyuiop[]\`12345678900-= good luck!zxcvbnm,./.ASDFGHJKL;'QWERTYUIOPLP[]1234567890-=`7410852963-+*/asdfghjkl;'qwertyuioopp[]]\!

Created by: emobabydoll22
  1. so, um, why are you taking this quiz?
  2. so if you saw a hot guy/girl in the mall, what would you do?
  3. have you ever thought about the same sex romantically?
  4. have you ever acted on those thoghts?
  5. if a guy/girl, asked you out, would you say yes?
  6. ok the rest of the questions dont count. =^.^=
  7. fave color?
  8. what do you think your gonna get?
  9. random...
  10. skip
  11. ready?

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Quiz topic: Am I bisexual, gay or striate?