Are you better for Edward or Jacob?

Have you ever been obsessed with twilight? Have you ever wondered if you are Jacob or Edwards match? If you are Edwards you love what you may whatever the risk. If you are Jacobs you take the easy loving path.

Do YOU want to know what Twilight boy was BOUND to BE YOURS?!?! Do YOU ever dream of what it would be like to be put in Bella's shoes and have to pick between Jacob and Edward? Well find out now who your Twilight boy is!!!!

Created by: Savannah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you reckless?
  2. Do you like where wolves or vampires?
  3. As a gift, would you like a crystal or a wolf charm better?
  4. Would you rather live by the woods or the beach?
  5. Would you give up the ability to have children for the one you love?
  6. Do you like motorcycles?
  7. Fate?
  8. Do you like younger guys?
  9. Would you get married at 18 for true love?
  10. Did you like the quiz? -This will not affect your answers-

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Quiz topic: Am I better for Edward or Jacob?