are you an angle or a devil

have you been wanting to know if you are a devil or an angle or are you just bord and want to do somthing?? well,are you? you might be an evil little devil or a fluttery little angle find out I dare you to take this quiz

are YOU a angle or a devil do dump you water on people or give them hugs you have always wondered until now here is you chance to find out take the quiz you know you wanna oh stop reading a take the quiz already

Created by: grace
  1. do you pray before you eat?
  2. you see a girl that has $1000 outfit on you think...
  3. a food fight starts during luch you...
  4. a guy that likes you gives you a flower you...
  5. a guy you know spills his soda on you, you...
  6. do you cus a lot
  7. your dog pees on you, you...
  8. your boyfriend breaks up with you...
  9. do you want to be an angle?
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I an angle or a devil