are you a zombie believer?

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are you sure you know what to do when the time for zombies to attack come? Are you sure you are a believer? just take the quiz and you will be ready in no time. your answer will come with advice!

are you a genius on zombies? do you have the will power to defeat them? you can just sit and wonder. then you go to this site and look this up and you will know!

Created by: onedirection123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is there a kind of mushroom that can raise things from the dead?
  2. can you survive the zombie apocalypse?
  3. where would you set up base?
  4. do zombies poo?
  5. can zombies swim in water with out there bones falling a part.
  6. what do zombies eat?
  7. are zombie bites toxic?
  8. do zombies feel pain?
  9. do zombies breathe?
  10. are zombies more likely to have spikey or dull teeth?

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Quiz topic: Am I a zombie believer?