Are You a Yognaught?

There are many people who claim to be a yognaught, but few truly have what it takes to be one. After all, if you are a fan of the yogscast, then you are pretty cool in my book. but, what is a yognaught? A yognaught is someone who is truly a fan of the yogscast, one who doesn't rage at their... well... noobiness.

Are YOU a yognaught? Do you have what it takes to qualify for that awesome title? Will you have the right to brag to your friends about being a yognaught? Take this amazing test I made to find out!

Created by: THEMindlessGamer
  1. What is Sipsco's motto?
  2. What is Strippin's first name?
  3. How many people are in Hat Films?
  4. What is the name of Zoey and Rythian's pet t-rex?
  5. What is Lewis's Minecraft character's name?
  6. What is Simon's Minecraft character's name?
  7. Who is Lalna?
  8. Who are you if you are a yognaught?
  9. What is Hannah's favorite animal?
  10. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? :)

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Quiz topic: Am I a Yognaught?