Are you a true Whovian???

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Hello! Im the Doctor. Look your gonna have to take this quiz that will determine weather you're a true whovian or not. Because if you don't the fabric of time will fall apart and daleks will chase after me!

This quiz will test your knowledge on Doctor Who to prove you're a whovian. With questions like who played this doctor and true or false. I hope that the quiz isn't terrible this is my 2nd

Created by: The Doctor
  1. How many doctors are there besides the war doctor
  2. What is the Doctors home planet
  3. Who created the daleks
  4. Who played the best doctor ever (the 10th) (> u "ยข)
  5. What was the 11th doctors favorite food
  6. What was the painting called in The Day of the Doctor
  7. What was the 9th doctors favorite phrase
  8. Who played the 1st doctor?
  9. What planet are the daleks from
  10. What were the 10th doctors last words
  11. True or false the 4th doctors scarf was made by accident
  12. Which doctor had a car
  13. True or false the silence are an alien species

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Whovian???